Thursday 12 August 2010

Day 3 – August 12th 2010 – Gavle to Hudiksvall

Awake at 0500 so packed and prepared for the day ahead. Breakfast was at 0600 which meant that I was able to get an early start which was just as well as today was going to be a tough one.

The mornings ride to Soderhamn was largely through forest which seemed to never end! Some of the roads were straight for what seemed miles and hence very boring to cycle down.

Had lunch and chatted to a local who explained a bit about the local area. The economy of the city had been hugely impacted by the closure of Ericsson and a large military base, thus no jobs for the young. Actually the receptionist at the hotel said that jobs were hard to come by as well in Gavle.

The afternoon ride involved a choice which actually was quite easy. There was an optional loop which I skipped purely because there seemed no where to stay. As it was I had to push out the miles today to make it to Hudiksvall where I found the Vandrahem down by the beach :) Breakfast is at 0800 so an enforced late start tomorrow so I shall probably be less ambitious with the mileage.

Legs are going strong and even the pressure points on my butt stopped hurting so much. So health wise I am good to go. I’m drinking plenty and probably eating too much but I need the calories (least that’s my excuse)

Another 185KM done, my longest day todate

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