Monday 19 August 2019

Day 8 – Lizard Point to Penzance 45km

Oh my god, worst nights sleep in a very long time. Problem was that the bed was a 6 foot bunk bed with what felt had a slight dip in the mattress. My legs are so tired from the cycling that I needed to stretch them out but because the bed had a wall at one end and a cupboard at the other I couldn’t. I am also more than 6 foot so my poor old legs didn’t appreciate being cramped all night. I tossed and turned all night each time causing the bed to creak and groan, felt sorry for the other guy in the room who was in the bunk opposite

I eventually gave up and collected my things in the dark, thank goodness I never unpack so all I had to do was grab a few things on the floor and under my pillow. Couldn’t sleep so I though it best just to go down to the lounge and do some reading as sleep was impossible. Was pleased to find out it was 04.50 so dawn wasn’t too far away. Had a shave as I look like a yeti. Messed about with my bags to ensure I was ready for the journey back and for handing the bike back.

As dawn arrived a young Italian lady joined me in the lounge as she had a bus to catch. I got the bike out from the store and headed off. My first and only dawn ride as normally I have to start late as breakfasts haven’t been served until well after 8. Lots of wildlife, the world is a different place this time in the morning. Reminded me of my rides in Ireland as I always started at dawn due to the short days

The ride up to Helston and RNAS Caldrose was lovely and then the rain started. Took a detour to Porthleven which is where my Aunt Sarah has a holiday cottage. In fact this whole area is where my mother had her childhood when she came back from South America. She lived here in Porthleven and went to school in Helston (where she took part in the floral dance). I went past the cottage and carried on with the coast road. Rain got heavier

Five miles out of Penzance and the wind and rain is so hard I can hardly see. I am completely soaked and the route has me going along the South Coast path across the top of the beach. I take shelter in a toilet for 5 minutes to check maps and see if I can find a quicker route but decide to just go for it. Arrived at the train station soaked to the skin and covered in sand. Bleh

The nice chap at the station let me use the disabled toilet so I was able to strip off and wash myself down using the tiny washbasin. Dried myself off with toilet paper and changed into some dry clothes ready for the train journey back to London. Train was full on the 0900 but managed to get a slot on the 1000.

5 and a half hours later I was back in London at Paddington Station. Rode through Hyde Park, past Buckingham Palace, down the Mall to Trafalgar Square, down the Strand and into Fleet Street where I picked up some new glasses I had ordered a few weeks after Susie had had her operation. Then down the embankment over London bridge and handed in the bike

So ends the first leg of my around UK bike ride. Not my longest at just over 700km but certainly some of the hilliest

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